If you are looking to thrive in your singleness, make spending time in God’s Word a priority and learn how to trust God in a season of waiting, you are in the right place!

Before my 25th birthday, I had learned how to play 4 instruments, been to 7 countries, got a full time job in the music industry, and have been leading worship at my church for 6 years. Sounds pretty successful, right? Well, at 25 it finally hit me, all my friends are dating, engaged, married, or even having babies, and I have yet to be in one relationship my whole life. Which lead me down a road of struggling with self-worth, comparison, disappointment, and my faith in God.

So, I spent over a year searching for answers to the biggest questions for Christians on singleness, dating, and marriage. Now I am on a mission to help other single Christian’s do the same. To dive deep in how to trust God in difficult seasons of waiting. To help singles realize marriage does not equal success and it is not better than being single. It’s just different!




So excited I was asked to join Thriving In Singleness podcast to talk about a lot of the bad advice that singles can be given and the truths to counter these advice!

Would love for you to check it out and share with someone you think could benefit!!