Coming to Amazon January 28th, 2022!

Have you found yourself asking the following questions?

  • Why is being single so challenging?

  • How do I trust God with my unmet desires?

  • What can churches do to empower singles?

  • How can I enjoy my single years?

  • What does waiting on God look like?

  • How do I date with purpose?

Join me in my raw, sometimes humorous, and honest journey to discovering God’s purpose for singleness and dating with the hope of a Christ-centered marriage. Is Being Single a Gift? will forever change your view on singleness, whether you are currently single or seeking to encourage someone who is single.

Why I Wrote This Book?

I started writing this book during a season where I was more frustrated and discouraged than I was hopeful. A season I felt my faith in God was being challenged.

In October of 2020 I decided to lay all my frustrations and disappointments on God. I told Him, “I need to know what my purpose is in this season. Why have I been single my whole life?”

I felt God telling me in response, “You should write a book about this season.” I said, “I should what??” (If you know me, you know I am not the poster child for writing or grammar). But when God’s calling you to do something, it’s hard to run from it. So...

On October 26, 2020, I took a leap of faith and started the process of writing with absolutely no idea where to begin. Not knowing as I embarked on this journey, I was also going to spend most of 2021 celebrating many close friends and family on their special day.

God sure does have a sense of humor. Calling me to write a book on encouraging others in singleness while living in the middle of a season it has never been more glaringly obvious, I was single.

That didn’t matter though because in this moment I felt I had purpose. I finally was able to smile and rejoice in my singleness instead of it being a burden. I became overjoyed thinking what I have learned in this season might one day be used to encourage others.


My hope for this book is to shine a light on why singleness can be challenging in today’s culture, to dive deep into how to trust God in difficult seasons and offer ways on how singles can thrive while also desiring marriage.

To show people marriage does not equal success and it is not better than being single. It’s just different! To help the church culture be more aware of the wonderful opportunity they have to love and minster to their single friends. They just need to re-evaluate what that looks like at times.

I am no closer to finding a spouse now than when I started this process, but I am 10x closer to God and I will forever be grateful for His provision over my life.